Medicare Part A

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Medicare Insurance

What is Medicare Part A?

Medicare Part A provides health insurance coverage primarily for seniors and younger individuals with pre-existing disabilities. This Medicare coverage provides comprehensive inpatient care, including hospital stays, skilled nursing facility care, home health care, and hospice care. Also called hospital insurance, this coverage option protects you from unexpected healthcare costs by covering inpatient services, excluding long-term care, which can help lessen your financial worries. In addition, Medicare Part A coverage typically does not mandate a monthly fee if you or your spouse have made Medicare tax contributions during employment. At ABear Insurance, we can assist you in enrolling in your chosen Medicare program and explain your coverage options, including Medicare Part A. You can rely on our expertise to help you simplify the complexities of your Medicare insurance plan.

What Does Medicare Part A Cover?

Inpatient Care In The Hospital

Medicare Part A offers hospital coverage for inpatient care received by patients admitted to a hospital by a physician to treat their illness or injury. This coverage extends up to 90 days from the day of admission. If you require hospitalization for more than 90 days, you may use up to 60 non-renewable lifetime reserve days and require a daily co-insurance payment. During your hospital stay, the hospital will provide a semi-private room where you will receive general nursing care, medical medications, and other healthcare-related necessities.

Skilled Nursing Facility Care

Skilled nursing facility care is generally a great way to manage your health and prevent it from deteriorating. If you have Medicare Part A, you can qualify for a semi-private room, skilled nursing services, dietary counseling, and necessary ambulance transportation. To be eligible for SNF care, you should be under the care of a hospital affiliated with your need for such care. You should have an ongoing condition treated during your 3-day inpatient hospital stay or a new condition that began while receiving skilled nursing facility care. The plan will provide coverage for 100 days, as long as you meet the requirements during the benefit period.

Home Health Care

If you are homebound due to illness or injury, Medicare Part A provides coverage for home health services. These services should be approved by a physician and provided by a Medicare-certified agency. The covered services include physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech-language pathology services, and other home health aide care. However, to be qualified for home health care under Medicare Part A, you should receive home services within 14 days following discharge from the hospital or a skilled nursing facility. This coverage can extend to the first 100 days of home health care.

Hospice Care

Medicare Part A provides hospice care for terminally ill patients, focusing on palliative rather than curative treatment to enhance the quality of life in their final months. Coverage includes medical, nursing, spiritual, and grief counseling services, as well as short-term inpatient care for symptom management and pain relief. To qualify for this coverage, a doctor should confirm that the patient has a terminal illness with a life expectancy of 6 months or less. The patient should also provide a disclosure indicating their preference for hospice care over Medicare-curative treatments.

Who is eligible for Medicare Part A?

Certain conditions need to be met to be eligible for Medicare Part A. These conditions include being 65 or older, having paid Medicare taxes for a minimum of 10 years during your working life, and receiving benefits from Social Security or the Railroad Retirement Board in the last two years. Additionally, you may be eligible if you received disability benefits due to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) or end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) that meet specific requirements like regular dialysis or a kidney transplant. In special cases, a child with end-stage renal disease will also be covered under Medicare Part A.

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Why Choose ABear Insurance?

Here at ABear Insurance, we believe that each client is unique and that no one-size-fits-all insurance plan exists. That is why we meticulously tailor our approach, taking the time to comprehensively understand our clients’ specific requirements and level of financial awareness. Our team of professional insurance agents is dedicated to working tirelessly to simplify various insurance plans and help you identify the most ideal options for you.

As a reliable insurance agency, it is our mission to streamline the selection and enrollment process for your Medicare insurance plan. You can count on us to be with you every step of the way, from assessing your eligibility to evaluating coverage options and clarifying associated costs, to help you make informed decisions. For your Medicare insurance needs, choose ABear Insurance and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing that you and your family are in good hands. Get in touch with us today and take the first step towards securing your future with confidence.

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